Financial Issues
Should you seek treatment from a private hospital/clinic or a restructured hospital? |
Our first initiative was to seek the best treatment for our mother and we thought that a private medical oncology centre/clinic would provide better treatment and service. However, after a few months of treatment at a private clinic, my mother felt that the oncologist lacked the "human touch" and had failed to deliver "value-added" service. Subsequently, she chose to continue her treatment at a restructured hospital. Based on our experience, we concluded that seeking treatment from a private clinic is not always a better choice. Most importantly, the patient must have confidence and trust in the oncologist. If you are able to accommodate the long waiting time, a common complaint among cancer patients who are seeking consultation and treatment at the restructured hospitals, I reckon that they can be a better choice based on the following reasons :
- There are also compassionate and caring medical oncologists at the restructured hospitals.
- Restructured hospitals provide equally good facilities.
- Oncology nurses at restructured hospitals are generally friendly and competent.
- It is cheaper to receive treatment at restructured hospitals if you are a subsidized patient.
If you choose to seek treatment from a restructured hospital,
should you be admitted as a private or subsidized patient?
It would be advisable to be admitted as a subsidized patient
based on the following reasons :
- Enjoy cost saving. Reserve your funds to meet expensive treatment using non-standard drugs if your illness deteriorates.
- Lesser cash payout from out-of-pocket as medisave withdrawal limits are generally adequate to cover medical expenses incurred by a subsidized patient.
- Private patients enjoy better room facilities but not necessary better nursing service.
- If you are admitted into ICU ward, it is classless. So why pay more?
Do you have adequate insurance coverage
and medisave to pay for your medical expenses? |
If you have both insurance coverage and medisave, your financial
position will be much better than people who do not have them.
If you wish to find out more about medishield
and medisave,
please visit
MOH web site.
Are you currently servicing any housing loan? |
If you have problems paying your loan instalments, you might like to
consider loan restructuring or even downgrading to a more
affordable home. You might like to visit the HDB web site and seek help from property agents.
Do you have any dependents? |
You might have to make financial or investment plans for them to
take care of their livelihood.
Do you need financial aid? |
If you are in financial hardships, you can seek financial
aid from various organizations. You can obtain more information
from our Financial Aid web page.
Have you made a Will? |
If you have not made a Will and wish to know more about making a Will,
please visit CancerStory Will/Estate Corner.