Message to Fundraisers
If you happened to visit this web page and is keen to approach any of the following artists for donation of paintings, please be reminded of the golden rule :
Always remember to show your appreciation and say "Thank You" to your donors.
In November 2004, a fundraiser visited our website and contacted one of the following artists. Being a keen supporter of charity causes, this kind artist generously donated 3 paintings to a local charity. In March 2005, they approached this kind artist for an exclusive interview on this donation. The write-up was published in their news magazine-April 2005 issue.
Sadly, they failed to send complimentary copies to the artist. The artist was dumbfounded when friends called up to give their comments on the write-up when they read about it. Everyone finds it hard to believe that the artist did not receive a copy of this magazine.
Obviously, it was a discourteous act and we urge fundraisers to be more thoughtful to their donors. Surely, most people make donations unconditionally but this does not mean that the fundraisers need not have to show their appreciation as an act of courtesy.
We would like to thank the following artists for their generous support :
Mr Loy Chye Chuan
Mr Loy Chye Chuan is a respectable local artist who has generously given his kind consent for his masterpieces to be posted
on our web site. He has also contributed a painting that serves to motivate patients to cope positively with their illnesses.
Being a philosophical person and a strong advocate of good moral values, he has executed some paintings that deliver moral messages and reflect the reality of life. In our present society where moral values are "losing" their ground as most people become more self-centered and materialistic, Mr Loy hopes to impart some moral values through his paintings.
His works on "Victoria Theatre & Concert Hall" and "Mouth of Singapore River" were used as prints for personalized greeting cards of the Prime Minister of Singapore.
Web site :
Mr Marvin Chew
Mr Marvin Chew is a young and upcoming artist. To see more of his works, please login
Marvin is very supportive of social causes and had rendered some drawings and comic strips for postings on our web site.
Mr Tan Swie Hian |
Mr Tan Swie Hian, Singapore's most well known artist-philosopher and a recipient of the World Economic Forum's Crystal
Award presented his Chinese calligraphy bearing "tong ren" to CancerStory's resource centre. Many seemingly impossible
tasks can be easily accomplished through our compassion and sincerity if only we can create a strong bond among fellowmen.
Therefore we hope to encourage all like-minded individuals to join hands in support of volunteerism and humanity,
by employing the Chinese characters "tong ren" (meaning bringing people together for a common mission).
Ms Chng Seok Tin
Ms Chng Seok Tin, a renowned local printmaker, sculptor and painter and winner of Her World Woman of the Year 2002,
created a sculpture of our mascot Humanity that was launched on 30 June 2001 at the Singapore 21 Fair on The Wonderful
World of Volunteers. DPM Lee Hsien Loong was the Guest-of-Honour. This sculpture, together with, was also
featured in the Secondary One Higher Chinese Textbook 2003.
She passed away peacefully on 6 September 2019, Friday.
Mr Raymond Lau Poo Seng
Mr Raymond Lau Poo Seng, recipient of Young Artist Award 2001 has helped with the painting of the Story of Xinglin.
We hope to encourage all cancer-related service providers to be more compassionate and humane towards their patients
by illustrating the moral of the Story of Xinglin or Story of the Forest of Apricot Trees. In our modern world, it is
impossible for any doctor to give free treatments but they can still cultivate love and compassion for their patients.
When patients meet such humane doctors, they should learn how to appreciate their kindness. Try to visualize the forest of
apricot trees, a great forest encompassing the warmth of compassionate doctors and grateful patients.
Ms Florence Shen |
Ms Florence Shen, an award-winning local artist, had generously contributed one of her paintings for our fundraising
activity. Her painting was sold for $688 and the sales proceed went to our beneficiary, the Children's Cancer Foundation.
She passed away peacefully on 26 March 2021, Friday.
Mr Chieu Suey Fook
Mr Chieu Suey Fook, an award-winning professional artist has helped in the production of token of appreciation,
Glass on Tile, that is presented to members of the public who make monetary contributions to CancerStory's resource centre,
Humanity & Golden Kids (nka Reiki Fellowship), a centre that is dedicated to the holistic care for cancer.