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Why charge for simple eye tests offered free elsewhere?

My letter was first published in The Straits Times Forum, 26 March 2015

I SOUGHT consultation with eye doctors at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and managed to get a referral to seek a second opinion from the Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC).

At the SNEC, I noticed a $10 fee was imposed (before subsidy) for pre-consultation evaluation tests - a visual acuity test using an eye chart and measurement of intraocular pressure.

TTSH does not charge for these simple tests, which are also rendered free by some optical shops that have ocular tonometry devices. A friend of mine had an eye consultation at National University Hospital, and no fee was charged for these simple tests, so why does SNEC impose a charge for them?

Lee Soh Hong (Miss)

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