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Books written by Dr Johanna Budwig on Flaxseed oil

Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases By Dr. Johanna Budwig

Learn first hand of the impressive healing potential of flaxseed oil. This informative booklet reveals:
  • Why fats govern all aspects of the human body.
  • What flax oil will do for your body.
  • How electons and photons work in the human body.
  • Why the living body may lack the ability to assimilate fat and how you can change it. This is a must read for persons interested in the importance of the vital essential fatty acids in health and nutrition.

  • The Oil Protein Diet Cookbook By Dr. Johanna Budwig

    Contemporary nutritional science owes a great deal to Dr. Budwig's early discoveries on Fat Metabolism and Healing. This brilliant scientific mind has put together a wonderfully imaginative "cookbook" - a practical guide for the use of oils in daily meal preparation. Discover over 500 delicious meal possibilities using the healing powers of Flax Oil.
    • Learn about "Good" fats and "Bad" fats - and the proper use of fats in daily cooking.
    • Recipes for the young & young-at-heart, the convalescing, as well as the athlete.
    • Create exciting & nutritious desserts for the whole family.
    • Find out how Quark & Flax Seed Oil offers optimum strength & energy.

    Understanding Fats & Oils

    Understanding Fats and Oils By Michael T. Murray and Jade Beutler

    Join the healthy fat revolution. At last, a brief yet comprehensive review of the vital role of fats and oils in the diet. In "Understanding Fats and Oils" you will learn of the phenomenal healing powers of a specialized class of nutrients identified as essential fatty acids - and much more! Including:
    • Which fats are bad and which are good
    • Why flaxseed oil is the best for human health
    • Dietary recommendations
    • Balancing fats in our diet for optimal health
    • Recognizing a deficiency of essential fatty acids
    • Dangers of hydrogenated and trans fatty acids
    • Lowering cholesterol and blood pressure with essential fatty acids

    About Barlean's Organic Lignan Rich Flaxseed Oil

    Barlean's Organic Lignan Rich Flaxseed Oil

    Lignans are a highly studied and researched class of plant chemical (phytochemical) and a form of insoluble fiber that have recently come to the forefront of nutritional research. Compelling studies funded by the National Cancer Institute have shown that lignans may possess impressive preventative properties. Research has established that the amount of lignans present in human blood samples is directly related to the amount of lignan rich producing foods consumed. When flaxseed was compared to other lignan rich producing foods, it was found to have 200-800 times more lignan precursors. By using the Barlean's Bio-Electron process the flax particulates (high in lignan precursors) is retained in the oil, offering nature's richest source of these valuable plant chemicals.

    Flaxseed Oil for Treatment of Other Conditions

    In an ideal diet, there is a balance between two kinds of essential fatty acids: the omega-3's(alpha linolenic) and omega-6's (linolenic). Most of us consume far too many omega-6 fatty acids (from red meat and vegetable oils) and not enough omega-3 fatty acids (from fish, flaxseed, some vegetables). Many experts feel the optimal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is 4 to 1.

    Essential fatty acids such as those found in flaxseed are critical to the optimal health and functioning of all cells in the body, including brain cells.

    Flax has a very nutritious profile, containing vitamin A, some of the B's, D, and E, carotene, lecithin, many minerals, and many different amino acids. While it is not a complete protein source, it combines well with other protein foods, which means it ultimately helps you consolidate more protein in your body.

    Flaxseed oil has an almost perfect balance of omega-3's with other kinds of fatty acids. Flaxseed is an excellent source of insoluble fiber, which is the kind that helps out the digestive tract by forming the bulk of the stool and absorbing toxins. It also contains a second type of fiber, the soluble kind that dissolves in water and is absorbed in the digestive tract. Soluble fiber helps reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood-sugar levels.

    The consumption of flaxseed oils can also help to improve the following conditions :

    • Acne
    • Arthritis
    • Cholesterol and Heart Disease
    • Digestive Disorders
    • Dry Skin
    • Eczema
    • Energy Recovery
    • Memory Problems
    • Multiple Sclerosis

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